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To Be a Wayseer

Garret LoPorto’s Wayseer Manifesto is as good as it gets.  And it’s not just a message for the few who embody the ideals he espouses.  This is a message for all of humanity.  Reality and consciousness is evolving before our eyes.  Look around: governments are teetering on the brink of collapse, people are waking up to their own power, connecting across the globe, into the stars, and touching the inner being within.  It is that being that connects us to love, peace, joy, inspiration, and the true miraculous nature of all that is. 

Does it seem that there are about 10% of people at this point who are so free and connected as the ideal wayseer he describes?  Sure, but keep it clear that this is not a matter of genetic exception.  Nobody is any better or more special than anyone else.  “They have not yet experienced the necessary revolution of mind.”  But they will.  It’s happening.  We are at the moment in history when minds are popping like a pan of popcorn.  At first, there are just a few pops, until the moment when critical mass is reached, and each kernel explodes!  What was once a dense seed transforms into a light, open, delicious miracle.  It’s time to wake up!


And on a more intellectual note, for those who enjoy thinking:


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